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Develop Sustainable Urban Freight - collaboration is key success factor!

Monday, November 13, 2023

Almost 50 people attended the webinar “Sustainable Urban Freight - from research to reality” based on results from the HITS-project. The speakers emphasized the importance of gaining support from the shippers to drive change, as well as the influence of public procurement and collaboration.

Read more and take part of the speaker’s presentations.

Foto på föreläsarna vid HITS webinarium 25 okt

Keynote speaker Brigit Hendricks, from Eco2City in the Netherlands, opened the meeting. She shared her learnings gained from practical experience with the aim to make urban freight more sustainable by exploring and implementing Cityhubs. Brigit highlighted the importance of securing the cooperation with the shippers to achieve change as well as the power in public procurement and collaboration.

Her presentation was followed by four in-depth presentations based on research results and case studies. The speakers illustrated different perspectives of what can be achieved in terms of enhancing and promoting sustainable urban freight. (Photo above on the speakers).

Research demonstrates that significant improvements in urban freight can be realized, both in reducing emissions and traffic by modifying existing structures and patterns. The key to such transformation lies in the power of collaboration among customer, supplier and shipper, were the lecturers' common message.

The webinar was concluded with an engaging panel discussion with professors and freight experts. Holistic perspectives to detailed questions on potential improvements and key success factors were addressed. The panel was moderated by Dr Peter Georén, KTH, and Birgit Hendriks - CEO and co-founder of Eco2city, Henrik Gillström - Assistant university lecturer, Magnus Blinge - Senior researcher, Michael Browne - Professor of logistics and urban freight transport and Patrick Hirsch, Associated Professor of Institute of Production and Logistics at University of Vienna participated in the panel. 

Peter Géoren commented on the panel discussion: 

- Again, the importance of having shippers on-board in the process was raised. It was also highlighted that shipping terms in sales agreements, so called incoterms, are key to have in place. As long as they stay “delivery to customer free of charge” with no option for the buyer, little change is believed to happen. To drive change, new incoterms and new shipping options made available to buyers would help.

HITS is funded by the program "Strategic Vehicle Research and Innovation, FFI."

Take part in the speakers presentations: 

HITS-fyra föreläsare

Photo of the panel:  
Birgit Hendriks, Henrik Gillström, Magnus Blinge, Michael Browne och Patrick Hirsch. 


HITS is funded by the program "Strategic Vehicle Research and Innovation, FFI."