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Together with you who work within a city, a region, academia, institutes and business, we at CLOSER want to create new innovation collaborations and projects.

Everything to develop a freight transport system that makes it possible to live and live in the city and in the countryside on human terms.

future mobility
Lastbilar med siffror på
Göteborgs city

Based on the challenges that exist in today's society, we start and run projects together with our partners in the fields City logistics, Energy supply, Long haul transports och Digitalized logistics.

What do we do within CLOSER?

Here you can read about the projects we are part of or have been part of. Do you want to know more about the projects, get in touch with a participating party or get involved in a project? Do not hesitate to contact us!

Lastbil som laddas med el

Accelerate the electrification of forestry transport

Forestry transport accounts for a significant part of our emissions and is a challenging area to electrify. The aim of the Accelerate the Electrification of Forestry Transport project is to contribute...

A Scandinavian charging infrastructure for electric trucks

The aim of the project is to promote intraregional and interregional, sustainable, interoperable electrified transport systems.
ai driven mobilitet

AI Driven Mobility

The goal of the project is to create a network for organizations and individuals that can drive change in sustainable mobility, and increase knowledge and awareness of AI and its potential for the...
AI Enhanced Mobility

AI Enhanced Mobility

AI Enhanced Mobility was a collaborative project where we collectively built knowledge, experience, and new collaborations within AI application for the sustainable mobility system of the future. The...
E-handel 2021


E-commerce in Sweden is growing by the day. And we need to work together to make Swedish e-commerce more sustainable! A large number of organisations in Swedish commerce have now decided to...
linde autotruck i skutskar


Automation is considered an important enabler for more efficient freight transport systems. This project addresses the issues surrounding a relatively unexplored aspect of freight transport systems...
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Automated logistics services

To create conditions for sustainable urban and regional development there needs to be efficient transportation to, from and within cities and regions. In order to increase efficiency in freight...
arnaud mesureur unsplash

Biogas for heavy vehicles

The challenge of converting the freight transport sector to fossil-free energy will require more than one type of energy source. Electrification is one promising alternative for urban distribution in...
Umeå hamn

Blue Supply Chains

Shipping is facing major challenges to reduce the need for fossil fuels. The transition that we see in other industries, and especially for road transport, also needs to take place in the maritime...
pexels pixabay


For more than two decades, the EU has invested in research and innovation through various framework programs, e.g. FP5 (1998-2002), FP6 (2002-2006), FP7 (2007-2013), and the ongoing Horizon 2020 (2014...
Ship trucks woods scenario

Cargo Express

The Cargo Express project aims to find out how we together can re-design maritime transport services to become an attractive option for you as a transport professional.
graf och bild på stad med lastbilar och logistikcenter. Lekfull stil, ger ett hoppfullt intryck.


CIVIC was a project with the goal to improve mobility, liveability and road safety in the city with construction logistics. At this site, you can take part in the results and insights generated in the...
CLOSER_Gbg_hamn_stor kram


The COMBINE project aimed to enhance the share of combined transport (CT) in the Baltic Sea Region to make transport more efficient and environmentally friendly. The project has gained a lot of...
dencity hubben vision


DenCity is a collaboration between parties from academia, society and business. Together, we have developed and tested solutions for sustainable personal and freight mobility. Here we present our...
4 med undermark

DenCity - Preliminary study

In order to create a sustainable and attractive urban environment, there is a need for well-planned freight transport and public transportation. The Vinnova-financed preliminary study DenCity will...
dencity hubben vision

DenCity level 2

DenCity develops innovative solutions for sustainable passenger and freight mobility in dense neighborhoods, with high standards of attractiveness, accessibility and sustainability. DenCity stands for...
En HCT Volvo Lastbil


DHEELS seeks to design and assess energy-efficient logistics systems utilizing high-capacity truck-train configurations powered by fossil-free energy sources. The project will explore various...

Digitization of freight transport chains

In the spring of 2017, a new project started, which was coordinated by CLOSER with Lund University of Technology as technical project manager. The project was called Digitization of Freight Transport...
Foto över en stad med stora vägar som leder in till staden. Över fotot ligger en skiss som visar uppkopplade  molnbaserade internetkopplingar.

DISCO - Transforming urban logistics

The DISCO project aims at fast-tracking upscaling to a new generation of urban logistics and smart urban planning. This will enable transition to decarbonized and digital cities by delivering...
duo truck


DUO2 was an HCT project where we developed and conducted trials on the Gothenburg-Malmö / Helsingborg route via the E6 between Schenker's terminals in each city. The test combinations are “DUO-trailer...
CLOSER - kvinnor samtalar på trappa med laptop


The objective of e-COMSTRAT is to provide new knowledge about how municipalities can achieve an improved urban environment through access to delivery data. By taking part in delivery data, e-COMSTRAT...
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Effective, sustained and connected logistics systems

Increased digitalization and connectivity in logistics, as well as the transition to renewable fuels for freight transportation, are the starting points for several feasibility studies now in progress...
Elektriska lastbilar och Intermodalitet

Electric trucks and Intermodality

Preparing for large-scale implementation and operation of electric trucks within connected transports in intermodal logistics chains.


The transition to a transportation system based on renewable energy will likely mean that electric-powered trucks will be used, especially in urban areas. Electric-powered vehicles reduce or eliminate...
CLOSER - människor som pratar

Who are we who work at CLOSER?

We are a dedicated team of experienced and knowledgeable professionals, driven by the goal of supporting you in developing tomorrow's solutions. Our core expertise lies in bringing together the right people and guiding you through the entire innovation process, from start to finish.
CLOSER sopbil i Göteborg

What are CLOSER and our partnership focusing on right now?

CLOSER is divided into four areas: City logistics, Energy supply, Digitized logistics and Long-distance transport. But as you will notice as you immerse yourself, CLOSER works across borders and in the end everything has to do with each other in one way or another.