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Pile of clothes

The feasibility study aims to increase the amount of clothing that is reused in Sweden by facilitating donations from consumers. The project will contribute to a great environmental benefit in the form of reduced emissions from new production of textiles and at the same time provide social benefits through the activities of charities. This is made possible by developing a digital service that makes it easy for consumers to pass on their clothes for reuse in the best way.


The service aims to increase the reuse of clothing and is based on digitally connecting actors from the private sector and non-profit sector with consumers and donors. The feasibility study strengthens trade's development and innovation capacity as well as the non-profit sector's digital capacity.

The focus of the feasibility study is on ending the cycle of the digital clothing trade. In the long term the ambition is to create an industry-wide standard and make Sweden a model where knowledge and solutions can be exported to other countries. Sweden is already in many respects a pioneering country when it comes to recycling and can also take a leading role here regarding the reuse of clothing. To ensure that the reuse of clothing becomes a more important and more natural part of our everyday lives, this feasibility study is carried out, which lays the foundation for a digital service that makes it easy for consumers to send further used clothing to aid organizations.

The service that is developed is mainly based on the following circular ideas:

  • Online retailers offer their customers the service of being able to easily send clothes to aid organizations for reuse.
  • As usual, the consumer receives their newly purchased clothes in a regular delivery. The clothes are unpacked, tried on and put in place in the home / wardrobe. At the same time, the consumer can become a donor. Clothes that will not be used are packed in the same packaging and sent on to the desired or pre-notified recipient, such as charities, associations, non-profit fundraising organizations.
  • Charities (or other recipients) receive the clothes and ensure that they can be reused in the best possible way. They could feedback wishes, local - global needs, seasonal needs, and gratitude to the other actors and report the environment and societal benefits that the service / consumer has generated.

The goal is to map out and understand the needs and requirements of the actors involved in the service, such as consumer behavior, data, business models, and the actors' processes involved. The feasibility study will develop an overall picture of key issues to work on and connect important partners to the next step.

Grundidén med Passonline

CLOSER - ASTER - Passonline

Together with e-retailers, non-profit organizations and other actors, we will map and evaluate relevant actors' needs and requirements and make a plan for how the service can be developed in a collaborative project. The main applicant is Lunds Universitet other participants are Nelly NLY, Cellbes, Revolutionrace, Svenska röda korset, Erikshjälpen, Myrorna, and CLOSER.

Do you want to know more about PassOn-line?

E-handel 2021


E-handeln i Sverige ökar för varje dag. Och för att svensk e-handel ska kunna bli mer hållbar behöver vi arbeta tillsammans! Nu har ett stort antal organisationer inom svensk handel samlats kring detta i en satsning för en mer hållbar e-handel. Genom forskning och nya innovationer kan vi tillsammans arbeta för en effektiv, konkurrenskraftig e-handel utan negativa effekter på klimat och hälsa.