Electric trucks and Intermodality

Preparing for large-scale implementation and operation of electric trucks within connecting transports in intermodal logistics chains. Introducing two electric trucks into a High Capacity Transport-based regional and commercial logistics flow for operation and evaluation from a business and system perspective.
The purpose of the project is to build the knowledge required for a rapid scaling of intermodal transports using electric HCT (High Capacity Transport) vehicles within a regional flow. To enable this, critical knowledge areas such as business models and system design must be developed and coordinated. Through experiences gained from a vehicle in actual operation within the project, combined with co-creation among project stakeholders, a system that is financially viable and effective in addressing transportation needs can be quickly developed. Additionally, it can serve as an inspiration for other intermodal systems.
The project goals are:
1. Establishing a three-year testbed where heavy electric trucks are put into commercial operation, collecting real-time data to optimize the vehicles and the logistics flow. This sets the groundwork for preparing for the growing large-scale electrified regional HCT (High Capacity Transport) system in connection with intermodal transports.
2. Developing strategies for charging and scheduling the use of electric trucks to demonstrate how a large-scale system should be built and operated to meet the diverse and conflicting requirements experienced in actual operation, in a cost-effective manner.
3. Calculating and summarizing the current environmental impact related to CO2 emissions from the trucking company's fleet, and demonstrating emission reductions upon introducing electric trucks into the fleet at various levels.
The project is financed by Triple F and CLOSER project manages the work.
Project participants: Chalmers Tekniska Högskola, Handelshögskolan vid Göteborgs Universitet, Lindholmen Science Park, Jula, and Scania.
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