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Fuel surcharge for electrified heavy-duty truck transports

Elektrisk lastbil vid fält

In the project, four new types of transport series (for each of four geographical electricity areas) using electricity as fuel for heavy transports, as well as a method for how these should be indexed moving forward, have been developed.

The series is based on four different types of operational scenarios:
Local distribution
Regional distribution
Long-haul distribution
Tractor-trailer transport

The purpose of the index adjustment is to ensure that once buyers and sellers of transport have connected, the transportation agreement can cover a longer period by applying an index in the contract for the transportation price. The development of the new transport series, considering how cost components are distributed for electrically powered transport missions and how these cost components evolve over time, enables the scaling up of electrified, emission-free transports.

The project manager has been CLOSER at Lindholmen Science Park. The project group also included the School of Business, Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg, as well as the Swedish Association of Road Transport Companies.

The following actors participated in the project's workshop and individual interviews: Arla, Alltransport, CircleK, Dagab, DB Schenker, DHL, Einride, E.ON, Erikssons Åkeri in Tomelilla, Göteborgs Lastbilscentral, ICA, Jula Logistics, LBC Frakt, Logistikia, Martin&Servera, OKQ8, Postnord, Region Skåne, Scania, Swedish Association of Road Transport Companies, Söderenergi, Trafikverket, Transport Companies, TRB, Vattenfall, and Volvo.

Would you like to know more about the project?

Ulrika Colpier

Ulrika Colpier

Innovations and research leader
Andreas Josefsson

Andreas Josefsson

Project leader
Magnus Karlström

Magnus Karlström

Innovations and research leader
Policy and rule development as well as Business and financing models