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Accelerate the electrification of forestry transport

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The aim of the Accelerate the Electrification of Forestry Transport project is to contribute to increased electrification of forestry transport.



David Fridner

"Forestry transport accounts for a significant part of our emissions and at the same time, it is a challenging area to electrify. That makes the project both important and interesting."

David Fridner, project manager, CLOSER

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The goals can be broken down into:

  • Identify barriers and opportunities to achieve an efficient electrification of forestry transport.
  •  Produce a system demonstration that contains several concepts/subsystems/perspectives and specify locations to realize the system demonstration.
  • Seek cooperation and build networks with relevant actors to implement a larger system demonstrator.


CLOSER, Skogforsk, SCA, Stora Enso, Sveaskog, Södra Skogsägarna, Scania, LBC frakt i Värmland. Skogforsk är projektledare.


Fordonsstrategisk forskning och innovation, FFI & Vinnova

Do you want to know more?

David Fridner

David Fridner

Innovations and research leader
+46 (0)72 156 47 13