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Project Background

DenCity Stage 3 will contribute to a radical new approach and created innovative processes for sustainable densification with good urban environments and reduced traffic intensity.

dencity oversikt vision

In DenCity3 the solutions for area-efficient mobility developed in DenCity that have already gained international recognition will be scaled up and implemented in longer pilot projects, prepared for implementation and position Sweden at the leading edge for scalable innovative mobility solutions and sustainable urban development.  Urbanisation is a fact and more than 80% of Europe's population is expected to live in cities by 2050. In Sweden, 90% of the population already lives in cities and that percentage is expected to grow. At the same time as our cities densify and there is greater competition for the attractive road space, the need of transportation of people and goods increase steadily. We see an increased demand on individually adapted transport solutions and new purchasing habits. 

DenCity is based on 5 complementary concepts that take a unique approach to the urban transport chain. By integrating transport issues into the urban development process and developing, testing and implementing new technology and transport solutions, we can build smarter cities that are attractive places to live and move around in. A wide consortium of industrial, societal and academic participants is testing and implementing services and concepts with the technology that makes it possible, such as digitalisation, electrification and transport on water. An all-encompassing delivery from the project is an implementation guide in which the results from the technology and service development, pilots and process development will be summarised and success factors will be identified in order to establish conditions for implementation in upcoming urban and property development and gearing up of solutions that are in development.