In order to meet the Agenda 2030 goals, we need to keep our eyes high and cooperate, that was the common thread through CLOSER's annual conference that started on March 23. See here how all the different initiatives that CLOSER runs together with all our partners can be part of the development to reach the goals. Take part in the entire recording here!
Welcome and introduction - Kristoffer Skjutare, CLOSER
Keynote AGENDA 2030 - Maria Stenström, 2030 Secretariat
ASTER - An alliance for sustainable e-commerce - Josephine Darlington, CLOSER
Logistics in the sustainable city of the future
How do we achieve a fossil-free vehicle fleet in 2030?
Adjustment in long-distance transports
How can digitization accelerate the transformation of the transport system?
International outlook - Collaborations in Europe - Rodrigue Al Fahel, CLOSER