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The Nordic High Capacity Transport (HCT) Conference 2024 - material

Missed the Nordic HCT Conference 2024 or want to revisit some of the most insightful moments? We’re in the process of making the full conference recordings and presentation slides available for you to access anytime. Whether you’re a logistics giant or a smaller transport operator, this material is designed to provide valuable insights into the state and future of High Capacity Transport (HCT) in the Nordic countires. 

The High Capacity Transport project is mainly financed by Trafikverket, Västra Götalandsregionen and Vinnova. 

Woman standing on stage, men sitting in the audience taking pictures

Key Highlights of the Conference:

  • EU Regulatory Changes: Elisa Vornanen from the Ministry of Transport and Communications Finland provided the latest updates on EU regulations affecting heavy transport.
  • Electrification of Heavy Vehicles: Industry experts like Thomas Fabian from ACEA and Timo Saarenketo shared their perspectives on how electrification is revolutionizing vehicle weights and infrastructure.
  • Current Research and Implementation: Learn from the latest research and implementation initiatives that are shaping the future of HCT.
  • Market-Ready HCT Vehicles: Explore what’s already available on the market and their potential impact on the heavy transport industry.

Agenda Overview:

  • Keynote presentations on the latest advancements in HCT
  • Deep dives into national and international projects, including the 34.5m EMS2 implementation in Sweden, Denmark, and the Netherlands.
  • Expert discussions on the future of electrification and the impact of the 96/53 EU directive review on OEMs and infrastructure.

Whether you attended in person, participated online, or couldn't make it, we invite you to dive into these critical insights on how HCT is evolving. Each presentation is packed with practical knowledge and future-forward thinking. 

Presentations and material

Thomas Asp, CLOSER

Vecto how it is developed and how it is used 
Rolf Willkrantz, Volvo Group

EU´s goods transport sector: looking back and moving forward
Elisa Vornanen Ministry of Transport and Communications Finland

Roadmap for a digitalised road transportation system – version 2024
Sandra Bårdén Trafikverket


Session 1 How to develop a 34,5 road network


Experiences and future implementation of 34,5 m EMS2 in Denmark
Michael Wind DRSA Denmark & Martin Frimann DRD Denmark

Implementation of 34,5 m in Sweden - next steps
Calle Holmström, Trafikverket Sweden

Tests with 34,5 m in Netherlands
Loes Aarts RWS, Netherlands

An example how municipalities works with implementation of 34,5 m - City of Borås
Gunilla Hell-Bellman Borås Stad

Session 2 Taking electrification to the next level

Swedish national electrification- and HCT initiatives
Nikita Zaiko CLOSER


What is already on the market
Ebba Bergbom-Wallin, Volvo Group


Experiences from tests with electrified trucks in Finland
Lennart Cider Volvo

Session 3 Consequences of the review of 96/53 (weights and dimensions directive)

Consequences for OEM:s - ACEA:s point of view
Thomas Fabian ACEA


Consequences on infrastructure
Timo Saarenketo, Roadscanner


EMS definition now and after the review of 96/53 EU
Otto Lahti, Traficom


96/53/EC and national regulations – implementation and enforcement
Elin Elisabeth Norby, Norwegian Public Roads Administration

About the HCT Program: CLOSER’s High Capacity Transport (HCT) program has been at the forefront of exploring longer and heavier vehicles for over 10 years. Through extensive research and collaboration, the program aims to enhance both vehicle and infrastructure efficiency to contribute to a more climate-friendly transport sector.

Since its inception, CLOSER has been the central hub for all research conducted within the program, funded by key partners including Trafikverket and Vinnova.

Elektriska lastbilar och Intermodalitet

High Capacity Transport (HCT)

En utökad användning av HCT-fordon skulle höja energieffektiviteten och därmed minska CO2-utsläppen samt höja kapaciteten i infrastruktursystemet. CLOSER ansvarar för ett FoI-program som kallas HCT (High Capacity Transport) där målet är att kunna föreslå ett regelverk som gör det möjligt att introducera längre och tyngre fordon på delar av det svenska vägnätet. Definitionen av HCT är att det är längre och/eller tyngre än vad nuvarande regelverk tillåter.

HCT Duo Demo

I projektet HCT Duo Demo testas användande av längre fordonskombinationer för transporter på sträckan mellan Hallsberg och Örebro. Syftet är att bland annat utreda vilka effekter nyttjande av det längre fordonsekipaget får avseende transporteffektivitet, transportkostnader och trafiksäkerhet.