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Tåg på räls

Shift2Rail is the first European collaborative railway technology project for the railway system of tomorrow within Horizon 2020. By commission of the Swedish Transport Administration, CLOSER at Lindholmen Science Park is serving as cluster coordinator for Swedish participants within the scope of the work in Shift2Rail Innovation Programme 5 - Freight Transport.

The project will focus on research, innovation and market-driven solutions as well as accelerate the introduction of new and advanced technological solutions, products and services.

The Swedish Transport Administration is one of the founding members of Shift2Rail and, in collaboration with CLOSER, has created a cluster for Swedish participants within the framework of the work on innovation programme 5 - Freight Transport.

Shift2Rail will contribute partly to the realisation of the EU's ambitions for a transition of traffic mode from road to rail, partly to bolster the competitiveness of the European rail industry and the realisation of a common European rail system.

The work in Shift2Rail is divided into five innovation programmes (IP) which in turn consist of underlying work structures:

  • IP1: Cost-efficient and Reliable Trains, including high-capacity trains and high-speed trains
  • IP2: Advanced Traffic Management & Control Systems
  • IP3: Cost-efficient, Sustainable and Reliable High Capacity Infrastructure
  • IP4: IT Solutions for Attractive Railway Services
  • IP5: Technologies for Sustainable & Attractive European Freight

What's happening within Shift2Rail?

Rail way tracks


For the first time, a comprehensive European grasp of the railways is being taken through the...


FR8RAIL II is a project within Shift2rail with the main purpose of developing functional...


FR8RAIL III is an innovation project within Shift2Rail designed to further develop railway...
Train tracks


FR8RAIL IV is a project that forms part of Shift2Rail and aims to further develop technologies that...
Train yard at sunset


IMPACT-2 is an innovation project within Shift2Rail that continues the work on evaluation methods...

Want to know more about Shift2Rail?

Anna Björkman

Anna Björkman

Project manager
Digitised logistics, long-distance transport, railway & terminals
Jonas Eriksson

Jonas Eriksson

Project manager
Long-distance transport, railways, terminals & digitised logistics
Anders Ekmark

Anders Ekmark

Senior advisor