Together we electrify Sweden's truck transports!
REEL is a national initiative where leading Swedish actors have joined forces to accelerate the transition to electrified, emission-free heavy transport on our roads. Within the venture, we establish, run and evaluate around 70 different regional logistics flows in varying types of driving assignments. REEL brings together transport buyers, forwarders and distributors, haulage companies, terminal operators, charging point operators, electricity grid companies and suppliers of trucks, charging equipment and management systems. In addition, regions, national authorities and universities participate in this initiative.
REEL receives co-financing from the programme Fordonsstrategisk forskning och innovation (FFI) through Vinnova, Energimyndigheten and Trafikverket.
Collected experiences from the project's actors
Take a look at REEL's compiled material, here we describe what the electrified freight transports within REEL are and how they are operated on a daily basis. In the report below, you will also find a compilation of the actors' views on how rules, business models, technology and the people in the system are affected and need to be developed.
Watch the films on why you should electrify your freight transport.
In these films, participants in the project share their experiences of driving food, general cargo, and building & construction transports with battery-electric trucks.
Listen to a driver – why should everyone switch to electric vehicles?
Linda, a crane truck driver at Derome, shares the advantages that she, her colleagues, and customers experience by choosing electric trucks. (ONLY IN SWEDISH)
Collated experiences from project stakeholders
In this report, you can learn about the charging infrastructure solutions that some of the project's stakeholders have developed to facilitate electric transportation.
In the following report, you will find a compilation of the stakeholders' perspectives on how regulations, business models, technology, and individuals within the system are impacted and need to evolve.
Explore REEL's compiled materials; here, we describe the electrified freight transports within REEL and how they are operated on a daily basis.
Would you like to be able to compare the costs of transportation carried out with battery-electric and diesel trucks to gain a better basis for decision-making?
The students Emil Myhrberg and Emile Ricknell are studying Industrial Engineering and Management at Linköping University and have conducted their thesis within the REEL project this spring. They have developed a calculation tool to evaluate the electrification of freight transport. The tool is intended to serve as decision support for haulage companies and transport buyers who want to transition from diesel to battery-electric heavy trucks. Several logistics operators have been interviewed and have contributed real cost data from their truck operations.
Here you can download the tool (Excel) and watch the instructional video. (ONLY IN SWEDISH)
What is happening within REEL?
Here you can read news and find the events that the project arranges or participates in.
Where in Sweden are the trucks that are driven within REEL?
By clicking on the map, you can get more information about the different logistics flows that are developed, driven and analyzed within REEL. Information on more flows will be published shortly.
What kind of grants can I and my organization apply for?
Through Klimatklivet, you can apply for support for charging solutions and electric trucks.
Through the Climate Premium, you can apply for state support for electric trucks and work machines.
Priority development areas
The parties within REEL work together to develop joint proposals and solutions in a number of areas, which will support Sweden's logistics players in the transition to electrified regional road transport.

Policy, rules- and regulations development

Business and financing models

Work culture and skills gap

System architecture, tools and interfaces
Related projects
The ideas and objectives of these projects are the result of the work within REEL.

Local Energysystems for Electrified Logistic Applications (LEELA)

Fuel surcharge for electrified heavy-duty truck transports

TREE: Transition to efficient electrified forestry transport

Do you have questions about REEL or how Sweden's vehicle fleet should be electrified?

Nikita Zaiko

Andreas Josefsson

Magnus Karlström

Ted Kruse

Frances Sprei