Logistics Data Lab
Organizations that affect or are affected by transport and logistics activities, can apply to the Logistics Data Lab. In the data lab, there is the opportunity to work together with data-driven innovation and develop digital methods and tools to achieve a more efficient and sustainable freight transport system.
The objective is to make data available that supports innovation and work for a common concept for transport and logistics data, make the value of data sharing visible and develop frameworks and policies around standards, ethics and law to facilitate data sharing.
The Logistics Data Lab creates a national arena where the transport industry can work to fulfill the Paris Agreement and the Agenda 2030 goals by exploiting the possibilities of digitizing and making data available.
The project is led by CLOSER and financed by VINNOVA. 29 organizations that together represent actors from academia, society and business are involved in the project and organizations that are interested in taking part in the data lab's results and work are welcome to join.
The project is coordinated by CLOSER, which is a neutral collaboration platform for increased transport efficiency, with support from RISE, which has extensive experience of test beds and has initiated and run data labs in other sectors of society.
Today's freight transport system is beset by a number of challenges. The requirements for sustainability and reduced emissions are increasing at the same time as factors such as urbanization, congestion problems and rapidly increasing e-commerce, with new demands for flexible and fast deliveries, are stressing the system. The occupancy rate of transport is on average around 50% and the utilization rate of the infrastructure is uneven both over time and space. Common to several of the identified challenges is that potential solutions are linked to the opportunities that digitization and shared data contribute. However, previous experience shows that the experience of sharing data within the industry is limited, as is the willingness to share data. Data sharing is often associated with both legal and business obstacles. The Swedish Transport Administration establishes in the report "Horizontal collaborations for increased occupancy and transport efficiency with the support of data sharing" the importance of a neutral party being able to go ahead and share data on a test level to demonstrate how it can be done in practice, and thus clarify what value is generated. The logistics data lab will establish a national and neutral arena to explore data-driven innovation in the transport and logistics sector and actively work to ensure that the industry takes advantage of the opportunities offered by digitization and the availability of data. The aim is to contribute to the development of the transport and logistics industry towards a sustainable digitized supply system in accordance with Agenda 2030 and the Paris Agreement.
Collaboration and knowledge sharing
Through the logistics data lab, we will create opportunities for collaboration and knowledge sharing. Through a number of use cases, we build knowledge between partners, initiate collaborative projects and arrange joint events and workshops. If you have a challenge you wish to address in the Logistics Data Lab, we can help you scout the network for solutions or collaboration opportunities in the network.
The logistics data lab will form a national arena for exploring data-driven innovation in the transport and logistics sector. By:
- Form a strong consortium of actors who can contribute with both logistics and transport data as well as innovation and knowledge
- Work with technical infrastructure that enables parties to make their data available for innovation and learning in a secure and controlled manner
- Collect, structure and make data available under controlled and secure forms
- Contribute to knowledge-building activities and facilitate workshops for innovation and learning
- Be a project workshop for new initiatives and support the start-up of these
- Work for standardization and a common conceptual image of logistics data
- Conduct discussions around legal issues and business frameworks for joint data-driven innovation
The national logistics data lab shall form an open arena where actors who influence or are influenced by transport and logistics activities can work together with data-driven innovation and develop digital methods and tools in a structured and reliable way.
In the lab, there are resources that can assist with managing and analyzing data to develop tools and models based on the partners' needs and challenges. We can also visualize and communicate data for various purposes. Get in touch with us to hear about what we can do together with your organization. All data handling is agreed between the parties before the start of the project and is handled carefully based on GDPR.
The logistics data lab is a platform for implementing projects and running working groups, partly independently but above all in collaboration with other companies, municipalities and researchers. If you have a project proposal that might be interesting to take up in the lab, get in touch!
There is also the possibility of sharing data within the data lab, partly to test models and tools as a first step in a safe environment, but also to test new products and services in your organization in the long term. The data is shared securely in our environments and agreements are concluded before each project.
Friday meetings
In the Logistics data lab we arrange "Friday meetings". It takes place every other Friday and is a relaxed and informal forum for presentations and discussions. On each occasion, an actor is invited to present something interesting to share in the network. It can be a project, a research result or just a presentation of a company that wishes to get in touch with partners. Contact us if you wish to present or receive an invitation to just participate and listen.