IMPACT-2 is an innovation project within Shift2Rail that continues the work on evaluation methods from IMPACT-1 with the aim of initiating the standardisation of the technologies that are continuously developed within Shift2Rail.
IMPACT-2 began in September 2017 and will continue until August 2022 with a budget of € 7 million. IMPACT-2 further develops IMPACT-1's work on methods for evaluating how Shift2Rail meets the overall objectives of the rail system's performance. IMPACT-2 also includes work packages for standardisation, intelligent vehicle maintenance and competence provision. The project also aims to coordinate the various rail organisations via common information and communication technology.
Some sub-goals in the project involve defining KPIs and introducing relevant goals and needs to create a more attractive, competitive and sustainable railway system.
This project has received funding from the Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 777513.
The project includes nine work packages:
- WP1 - Project management
The overall objective of this work package is to ensure effective coordination of the project
- WP2 - Socio-Economic Impact
This work package will evaluate the potential contribution of the rail system and Shift2Rail in order to achieve societal objectives
- WP3 - System Platform Demonstrators (SPD) Implementation
The purpose of the work package is to apply SPD for passenger or freight train transport
- WP4 - Quantitative KPI-Tree and SPD integrated assessment
A KPI tool will be developed and used to investigate the effects of Shift2Rail
- WP5 - Standardisation
The overall purpose is to evaluate the standardisation potential for the expected results of Shift2Rail
- WP6 - Smart Maintenance
This work package creates procedures and concepts for smart and condition-based maintenance
- WP7 - Integrated Mobility
This work package will contribute to an increase in transport capacity, reliability and reduced costs of rail transport by applying advanced information and communication technologies
- WP8 - Human Capital
The overall objective of this work package is to investigate the training needs among railway personnel who will use the technologies developed within Shift2Rail in order to understand which skills need to be developed. - WP9 - Dissemination
Detta arbetspaket ska öka medvetenheten om projektet samt säkerställa spridning av aktiviteter och resultat till beslutsfattare på EU-nivå och nationell nivå
Projektkoordinator: Trafikverket
Partners: Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Hitachi Rail STS, Bombardier, CAF, COMBOIS DE PORTUGAL, Deutsche Bahn AG, HaCon, Indra, Siemens, SNCF, TCDD, THALES,
Associerade projekt: IMPACT-1, FINE 1, PLASA, IN2SMART, SMARTE
Projektet finansieras av EUs Horizon 2020 RoI program och Trafikverket.