FEDeRATED is an open data-sharing infrastructure for smooth, safe and sustainable freight transport and logistics in Europe and its trading partner countries.
FEDeRATED was created from the DTLF platform at the EU level with the goal of creating efficient information flows in corridors where involved parties share information and to minimise paperwork by digitising various accompanying documents in the transport system. The project is aimed at demonstrating and implementing various solutions. Together with Swedish partners, the Swedish Transport Administration is responsible for the work package that handles demonstrations and living labs, etc. The Swedish part of the project will use ongoing initiatives in the area and upshift these activities or identify activities that should be started. A basis for this is interaction with the programme in the area of digitisation, as well as input from CLOSER's strength in Digitised and Connected Logistics.
The main role of CLOSER in the project is to coordinate the crosscutting activities in the various European living labs.
This is done by identifying potential collaborations between Living Labs and providing forums where knowledge transfer and effect-creating activities can be discussed. This can be done by arranging seminars, workshops and study visits. As well as assisting the Swedish Transport Administration with project management, lessons learned and communication.
DTLF (Digital Transport and Logistics Forum) conducted studies in two areas during the group's first term of office.
- Effective goods flow in a corridor
- Increased use of E-documents in the transport system
The opportunity to apply for projects through the CEF fund came prior to the group/forum's second term of office. Sweden and the Swedish Transport Administration/Swedish National Maritime Administration decided to apply in collaboration with an international consortium. On March 25, a positive response was received from CEF.
To conduct tests and demonstrations relating to efficient goods flows in corridors with the help of information solutions where parties share data, as well as to minimise paperwork accompanying transport operations and digitise them. The project shall involve the relevant players and large economic profits are calculated together with more efficient transport of goods.
The objective is to weave modes of transport together into multimodal solutions for primarily maritime, road and rail traffic and demonstrate good solutions where digitisation demonstrates benefits for the various stakeholders involved. A special work package (work package/WP) has been created for demonstrations in FEDeRATED and is led by the Swedish consortium under the leadership of the Swedish Transport Administration. The activities will be measured and monitored within the CEF programme during the project period.
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