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Automated logistics services

To create conditions for sustainable urban and regional development there needs to be efficient transportation to, from and within cities and regions. In order to increase efficiency in freight transport it requires better planning and technology to manage physical transport, information and monitoring of compliance.

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By looking into different cases related to the handling of goods, collection of data and connection of goods, load carriers and vehicles, this pre-study aims to identify specific areas where efficiency could be improved by automation and also what other benefits automation can provide.

The project is carried out by partners from industry, academia and the public sector. The most important part is to locate the benefits that automated logistics services can provide for different stakeholders, but also for the society at large.

The project will address the following:

  • Identify specific cases in supply chains consisting of services, processes, flows, and nodes that have the potential to increase efficiency and are especially interesting from the perspective of automation as well as for future demonstration projects
    • What profits/benefits do automation and connectivity in freight provide, and for whom
    • What is the state-of-the-art? 
    • How will the market develop in concerned regional and urban freight flows?
  • What kind of enabling technologies are available? 
    • Automated freight/vehicle tracking & control
    • Automated handling and transport (such as driving, loading/unloading and storage)
    • Automated data collection
  • What collaborative arrangements must be established to enable automated logistics services?

Project final report (in Swedish)


The project is carried out within the strategic innovation program Drive Sweden, which is a joint effort by the Swedish innovation agency VinnovaFormas and the Swedish Energy Agency, and is 50% funded by the Swedish innovation agency Vinnova.

Project partners: Örebro countyGävle municipalityDHLTransport AnalysisChalmers and Sweco.

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