Read about all the exciting things that are done within CLOSER and our partnership!

VIDEO: CLOSER annual conference with a focus on Agenda 2030
In order to meet the Agenda 2030 goals, we need to keep our eyes high and cooperate, that was the common thread through CLOSER's annual conference that started on March 23. See here how all the...

Infram and the Falun Borlänge region new partners in CLOSER
''We are working to ensure that infrastructure and logistics around Sweden's waist are developed for the best and we see becoming a partner in CLOSER as part of this work'', says Sofia Berglund...

Railway innovations must be implemented to secure competitiveness
On June 14, IMPACT II ends with a final conference in Brussels. The project is part of the European railway initiative Shift2Rail which will end in 2023. IMPACT II has evaluated the effect that...

Scientific FR8RAIL IV article awarded at World Congress
The scientific article was published by the Royal Institute of Technology and describes the relationship between long and heavy freight trains and long-term damage to the rails. The work has taken...

"Resilience is essential for us to lead safe, prosperous and good lives"
Sandra Runsten, Head of Sustainability at Sweco will be the key note speaker that starts this year´s TREFF. Sandra will talk about what challenges lies ahead to secure a resillient society - get a...

The industry agreement for fossil-free deliveries is now being launched
Now it will be easier for consumers who shop e-shop to choose a fossil-free delivery. On the initiative of Swedish Trade, e-retailers and carriers agree on a common definition for fossil-free delivery...

TREFF 2022: "Resilience has become crucial for supply chains to survive"
Numerous crises have hit our transport networks since the pandemic broke out. So how can we meet the challenges? The importance of resilience – and how to achieve it – was one of the themes of this...

Major Investment in Fossil-Free Industrial Transport in Northern Sweden
Northern Sweden and Norrbotten are facing the largest industrial investments in modern times. As part of supporting the development of sustainable heavy transport and logistics solutions by road, rail...

Umeå is investigating whether green hydrogen is the pathway to fossil-free shipping.
In the future, how can fossil-free bunker fuels and electric charging be provided in Swedish ports? The EU project Blue Supply Chains aims to examine the best renewable fuel solutions and their...

The timber trucks in the forestry industry are being electrified.
The forestry industry's road transports are being electrified through a collaboration involving Skogforsk, CLOSER, Scania, five forestry companies, transport and technology firms, as well as research...

How can autonomous transport interact in urban landscapes?
In recent years, we have seen breakthroughs in autonomous transportation technology. From self-driving electric shuttles that navigate the Chalmers Campus to autonomous goods deliveries integrated...

Funding opportunity: we welcome proposals encompassing innovation within sustainable mobility
Future Mobility welcomes proposals encompassing innovation collaborations between Sweden and the US within sustainable mobility. In this offer, we want to promote partnership, collaboration and...

Welcomed definition of transport efficiency
CLOSER is an innovation program working towards achieving a transport-efficient society. However, the meaning of the concept transport-efficient society has not always been entirely clear. Therefore...

Develop Sustainable Urban Freight - collaboration is key success factor!
Almost 50 people attended the webinar “Sustainable Urban Freight - from research to reality” based on results from the HITS-project. The speakers emphasized the importance of gaining support from the...

Status on High Capacity Transport (HCT) 2023
The Nordic HCT conference has just taken place, where the latest developments in research, experiences from testing, and implementation related to High Capacity Transport (HCT) in the Nordic region...

Public procurement for more sustainable transportation
How can cities with efficient freight transport support climate goals? This was the focus of the annual conference TREFF: Transport Efficiency Day, organized by CLOSER and Northern LEAD. Heini-Marja...

Vehicles worth fighting for
What makes truck drivers in Malmö fight to operate certain vehicles? The answer is that they are powered by electricity. Falkenklev Logistik and Erikssons Åkeri in Tomelilla are two companies in Skåne...

Data sharing - the key for Off Peak
The HITS project has looked at conditions for deliveries at night (Off Peak) in central Stockholm. Is it possible, how do the actors share data, what are the pros and cons? The questions are lined up...

TREFF: How Sustainable Freight Transportations Can Contribute to Achieving Climate Goals
Discover how sustainable freight transport solutions can contribute to achieving climate goals at TREFF: Transport Efficiency Day. The event is free of charge and will take place on August 30th at the...

The HITS collaboration has become a hit!
As many as 77 percent of all cafes and restaurants in Westfield Mall of Scandinavia, just north of Stockholm, have changed their product deliveries from daytime to off peak during June.

On the first of December, 34.5 meter long trucks are allowed to drive on Sweden's roads
"It is gratifying that the work to allow longer vehicles in Sweden has gained momentum," says Ylva Öhrnell, head of sustainability, DHL Freight. "For us, longer vehicles are an important measure to...

How do we use the city spaces in the best way?
In the autumn of 2023, the last tests will start within Smart Urban Traffic Zones, an initiative, led by CLOSER and partly financed by Vinnova, a project that focus on how we can use digital solutions...

Focus meeting in digitized logistics inspired 54 participants from the industry!
On May 26, CLOSER arranged, through its theme area DIGILOG, a focus meeting within HCT (High Capacity Transport) and access management for sustainable transport. DIGILOG's chairman Per Olof Arnäs set...

"REEL & E-Charge in Vinnova Podcast"
"Listen (from the 29th minute) to Nikita Zaiko and Andreas Josefsson as they talk about REEL & E-Charge in Vinnova's podcast: 'On the way to future transportation.'"