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Testing geofencing in Enköping

Thursday, June 20, 2024

How can an ordinary Swedish small town create a calmer and safer traffic environment? In the CLOSER project HasT, Enköping municipality is now testing digital geofencing technology together with freight carriers and public transport to control speed levels. In a film produced by the project, partners explain how it works and why they are involved.

As a passenger on the city's buses, it's not noticeable, but all Keolis vehicles operating in Enköping are equipped with geofencing technology, which is intended to support drivers in maintaining speed limits.

"From the project's perspective, we intended to have certain central zones, but we chose to take it a step further and cover all our route sections for city buses running in Enköping. It has been a thorough job to ensure the zones are accurate, but it’s worth it now that it works so well and the drivers are positive," says Jonas Möllergren, site manager at Keolis in Enköping.

In addition to public transport, several freight carriers are participating in the test, such as the local company Småfrakt.

"I have an employer's responsibility for my drivers. Partly, it's good for me that they keep their driver's licenses, but it's also a work environment issue. In what other industry can you drive a work tool several hundred times the allowed speed? I believe the transport industry has a lot to catch up on," says Håkan Hagman, CEO of Småfrakt.

Some of the vehicles involved in the project have installed a third-party solution from Dutch V-tron, while others use built-in solutions in vehicles from Scania and Volvo. In the film, Håkan Hagman shows how he can use a subscription from Scania to draw zones on his computer.

"It's very simple. I can specify different days and times and precisely adjust where the zones should be."

Enköping municipality is participating in the test with its own cars, but also has an overarching role as responsible for the traffic situation in the city and hopes that the system will affect the entire traffic environment in the city.

"Research has shown that it is enough with a small number of vehicles that adhere to the speed limit for all other traffic to also be influenced and drive more calmly," says Maurizio Freddo, traffic planner at Enköping municipality.

Read more about HasT here >>

HasT is funded by Skyltfonden and runs until autumn 2024. The project manager is CLOSER at Lindholmen Science Park and other partners are: Enköping municipality, VTI (Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute), V-tron, Keolis, Martin & Servera, Småfrakt, Dagab, Enköpings Åkeri, and Allmiljö.

Rodrigue Al Fahel

Rodrigue Al Fahel

Internationalisation and project development
+46 (0)70-422 53 22
City logistics, Geofencing, Construction logistics
Kvinna ler stort

Karin Weijdegård

+46(0)73 525 27 08