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Photos, videos and presentations from HITS Result Conference

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

More than 100 people attended the HITS results conference at the end of November. The day consisted of key-note speakers from Scania and the City of Stockholm, an overview presentation of HITS and project results as well as panel discussions, a dynamic poster session and exhibition. Take part of the films and presentations.

Foto på Jack Lu och Elisabeth Hörnfeldt när de står på scen och inleder HITS resultatkonferens

Jack Lu, Project Manager, and Elisabeth Hörnfeldt, Head Project Manager, opened the HITS results conference.

The four-year HITS project, Sustainable and Integrated Transport Systems, has aimed to increase knowledge about sustainable urban freight transport and test solutions in real-life environments that contribute to cleaner, safer and more attractive cities.

The project has involved a large number of transport operators, academic and research institutions, municipal authorities, property owners, logistics companies, and waste management and technology companies. Focusing on Stockholm, the project has carried out several pilot studies to evaluate the impact of alternative distribution modes, in particular off-peak deliveries combined with co-loading of goods. The meeting was held at Scania's headquarters.

Scroll down to find presentations, videos and more photos from the day.


- HITS shows the strength of collaborative projects where several new transport arrangements have been tested. The Academy proves that these new solutions really contribute to a transition to sustainable transport, the city can contribute through changes in legal requirements and knowledge transfer, new technologies and services tested by carriers and recipients show sustainable business arrangements. The next important step is to get more people on board. Take a look at the material and be inspired to take the first step towards more sustainable transport solutions!

Elisabeth Hörnfeldt, HITS, Head Project Manager, Scania.


- To innovate, test and scale up new solutions, we need to collaborate with actors from across the transport value chain. The collaboration within HITS has shown that it is possible to streamline transport without compromising on quality. I see off-peak deliveries and co-loading as two interesting solutions to contribute to the city's overall goal of an emission-free city centre by 2030.

Lars Strömgren, Stockholm City, Vice Mayor for Transport and Urban Environment


- Our work shows that property owners have a key role in developing and driving co-loading, as they have direct contact with their tenants and those who own the hubs where transhipment can take place. It's a win-win situation in that their customers get an improved logistics service while the street environment becomes more attractive.

Jack Lu, Project Manager, CLOSER


Download the presentations

Why sustainable transport solutions are essential for reaching the zero-emission target
Alexandra Österplan eMobility Marketing & Communications Lead, Scania
Download the presentation

Why a project as HITS matters
Elisabeth Hörnfeldt, Project Manager, HITS, Scania
Download the presentation

Research in system effects and design of sustainable systems 
Peter Georén, Senior researcher/Coordinator, Integrated Transport Lab, KTH
Download the presentation

"I am consolidated!" - Project results and experiences from coordinating deliveries into Stockholm city
Jack Lu, Project Leader, CLOSER
Download the presentation

Building the climate-friendly and human-centered city with the aid of sustainable freight transport
Lars Strömgren, Vice Mayor for Transport & Urban Environment, The City of Stockholm 
Watch Lars Strömgrens presentation in the consdolidation video

Let´s explore the future of sustainable transports beyond 2030+ 
Watch the films

You can also watch the videos of the presentations and panel discussions

  • Consolidation
  • Off-peak 
  • Lessons learnt, insights and next steps based on HITS
  • Welcome and introduction
  • Sustainable transport solutions for zero emissions
  • The role of HITS for new transport solutions
  • Film about off-peak
  • The importance of off-peak deliveries
  • The research on system effects and design
  • The role of sustainable freight transport in the city
  • Results and experiences on consolidation 
  • Panel discussion with project partners
  • Panel discussion - reflections and lessons learnt from the HITS project


The programme also included a "walk and talk" poster session with the HITS researchers

Download the researcher's posters

Sustainable freight distribution travel demand modelling methodology
Helry Dias, PhD/Post-doc, KTH

Impacts of innovations and policies on sustainability within road freight transport
Claudia Andruetto, PhD Student, KTH

Research on Collaborative Innovation through Collaborative design
Diana Saleh, PhD Student, KTH

Driverless Multipurpose Vehicles for urban transport
Raphael Andreolli, PhD Student, Scania & KTH 

Data driven assessment towards more sustainable urban freight transport
Sebastian Bäckström, Senior researcher – IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute

Prerequisites for Data Sharing & Realizing Off-Peak Deliveries
Annette Hultåker, Senior Researcher, Scania

Three scenarios showing potential sustainable transport solutions beyond 2030+ 
Watch the short videos


HITS genomförs med stöd från programmet Fordonsstrategisk Forskning och Innovation, FFI.