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Electrification of Heavy Transport on the Rise: Swedish Companies Lead the Way

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Discover why Swedish companies like Derome, LBC - Frakt, and Skanska are increasingly transitioning to electrified transport. Join us on the journey through the REEL initiative and see how these players are driving the change towards a more sustainable transport industry. In this film, you’ll learn more!

In this film, you can listen to why LBC Frakt, Derome, and Skanska believe it's important for more haulage companies to dare to start electrifying their construction and infrastructure transports!

We must take responsibility for the environment of our children and grandchildren. That's my main driving force. Then, we can also make money from electrification going forward. It's more expensive today to implement an electric car in operations, but very soon, I'm talking one or two years, the electric vehicle will be cheaper to run than the fossil-fuelled one.

Lars Reinholdsson, CEO, LBC Frakt

Someone said: 'So it's an electric car, it's a bit soft, isn't it?' Soft? There are 660 horsepower in this car. There's nothing soft about that!

Linda Johansson, electric wrecker truck driver, Derome

My message to other transport managers, transport buyers, and vehicle managers is to take the leap and invest in electric vehicles. Because it's a future that leaves a positive environmental footprint, provides a fantastic working environment, and is welcomed by all customers.

Glenn Eliassson, Transport manager Derome

REEL is a national initiative where leading Swedish actors have joined forces to accelerate the transition to electrified, emission-free heavy transport on our roads. Within the venture, we establish, run and evaluate around 70 different regional logistics flows in varying types of driving assignments. REEL brings together transport buyers, forwarders and distributors, haulage companies, terminal operators, charging point operators, electricity grid companies and suppliers of trucks, charging equipment and management systems. In addition, regions, national authorities and universities participate in this initiative.

REEL receives co-financing from the programme Fordonsstrategisk forskning och innovation (FFI) through Vinnova,  Energimyndigheten and Trafikverket.

Do you want to know more about how we're going to electrify Sweden's truck transports?

Andreas Josefsson

Andreas Josefsson

+46 (0) 72-392 76 56
Project leader
Nikita Zaiko

Nikita Zaiko

Innovations and research leader
+46 (0)70-147 91 13