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Apply for funding and contribute to an emission-free city centre!

Monday, December 9, 2024

Do you have ideas that could help reduce transport or accelerate electrification to support an emission-free Stockholm? If so, you can apply for funding to develop and test new solutions directly in the urban environment! This call is part of the Stockholm Local Transition (STOLT) initiative.

Foto på Martina Arnell och Annika Bergendahl, Stockholms stad, projektledare för STOLT

Martina Arnell and Annika Bergendahl, The City of Stockholm, are responsible for the system demonstrator STOLT. 

The system demonstrator* Stockholm Local Transition (STOLT) is a platform for demonstration, collaboration, and learning between the city, businesses, and research. Currently, five demonstrations are underway to enable reduced car travel, electrify transport and work vehicles, and create a more attractive urban environment in Gamla Stan and the city centre. The ambition is for the demonstrated solutions to become "the new normal" in a Stockholm with an emission-free city centre by 2030.

Ett collage som visar fem bilder av de fem pågående demonstrationerna som ingår i STOLT.

Today, five demonstrations are included in STOLT. Ellevio is responsible for electrified contracting, ElectriCity for framework agreements for fossil-free transportation, and the City of Stockholm for off-peak, environmental zone class 3, and the urban environment zone in the Old Town.

Want to join? Funding is available!

Annika Bergendahl, strategist at the City of Stockholm and contact person for those wishing to pitch ideas, invites more organisations to apply for funding and contribute to the transition.

"We encourage more stakeholders to present innovative ideas and proposals that contribute to STOLT's goals. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis, so feel free to get in touch. Beyond goal alignment, we evaluate ideas based on factors such as scalability potential, the team behind the idea, and how they complement existing demonstrations. We hope this process will lead to collective action toward achieving an emission-free city centre. Contact me if you'd like to learn more!"

Financial support and co-funding

The initiative aims to stimulate innovation that contributes to reduced car travel, electrified transport, and an attractive urban environment. Approximately SEK 5 million in funding is available for new or expanded development initiatives and demonstrations. Participating parties must co-finance at least 50% of the costs. Projects can run until June 2026, with all activities to be completed by then. New demonstrations should focus on Stockholm city centre and/or Old Town.

Broad Interest in Funding New Demonstrations

In October, the project opened up for proposals for new demonstrations. So far, over 25 stakeholders have expressed interest, and six ideas have been evaluated and received feedback. Most of the proposals focus on the development of vehicles, services, and behavior changes related to the introduction of Environmental Zone Class 3 in the city, while one proposal concerns the development of electrified contracting.

Five of the six proposals evaluated so far were submitted by companies, with the sixth coming from the Traffic Department of the City of Stockholm.

These dimensions need to be addressed to ensure a system perspective:

  • Business models, investments, and procurement
  • Policy and regulations
  • Behavior, culture, and values
  • Infrastructure
  • Technology, products, and processes
Illustration som visar de olika stegen i ansökningsprocessen


Application documents and contact information:

All documents are in Swedish.

Contact Annika Bergendahl for more information!



STOLT is funded by Viable Cities through Vinnova and the Swedish Energy Agency. The activities carried out under STOLT are part of Viable Cities’ initiative for climate-neutral cities by 2030.

*About System Demonstrators

System demonstrators aim to accelerate societal transformation to address the complex challenge of transitioning to climate-neutral cities. This involves collaborative efforts to design, implement, and integrate a portfolio of interconnected initiatives targeting multiple dimensions of change with a holistic approach.